Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reclaiming farmhouse cabinets

Do you know that joy that comes when you realize that your friend really knows you?  I think that is super special and a sweet treat from our Father.  

Anyway, I received a call from the Contractor (now friend) a few weeks ago.  He had been working on an old farmhouse and was able to salvage the original upper kitchen cabinets.  He said they were mine if I wanted them...da!  The husband was out of town, but that didn't stop me from making room in the garage for them.

 I had the perfect place in mind.  We have a huge empty wall in the playroom. 
We had a single armour against the wall, but it just never felt right for the space. 
These guys fit perfectly!

 This is inside before I got busy.

 After I scrubbed, sanded, scrubbed, painted, sanded, painted and painted some more...
the Contractor lent the hubs a hand and in no time we had a wall of built-ins.

Forgive the blurry pic, the camera was brand-new at the time
and I hadn't figured out all the bells and whistles yet.

 Here is an 'after' shot. 
The opening above the stove in its original place was a perfect home for the TV.
The shelves above holds the DVD, DVR & VCR as well as some vintage board games, a sentimental spaceship that the husband's grandma made (umm..I think that's right), a quilt and some family pics.

 The owner wanted to keep the original green glass knobs (can you blame her???).  I was able to find some look-a-likes at Hobby Lobby.  They were half-off!

 This globe was the husband's when he was a kid and sits on the one of the desks I mention down below.

 This one I found the other day at GW for 99 cents! 
It didn't have its stand but it fits perfectly under the cabinet. 
I'm thinking about painting that weird?  Don't answer that!

 This globe came from MaMa's house before she moved.  It lights up.

And here is another angle.  The middle cabinet doors wouldn't close with all the A/V junk, so I made little desk tops with them under the cabinets.  Ideally this will be a great spot for those girls to do homework...but they don't.

I love a finished project!  And I love friends who know me well enough to know what I love!